nsfw:racy: Likely ocr: SAN FRANCISCO HARBOR. Map showing cho reltive position of the Defenses nt Fort Point, Limo Point Blutr, Alcatraz Island, Rincon Point, and yeron Perinsitla - Angel Buens Taland. Astand, Hrawn ander tbe cueoton of R, E DORUSSI, Srucelito, Point. 1803. Seue: Saucelito. * - : # Puena * - ome nom lgtne Line Poirc Alutt - Noct ilcaliye rA Hes - r - PHonia afer iBrenn A orilo - 2 ( City Felrgraps. MileRads submitted to Brig Gen. WRICIT, wichi -ota 1.bobos 1.. E. DORUSST, ruroyoprs er vant 4 my lotter or ioth of Jano, 1803, eM, Ex Cuprr/fephers.